Gatton Kindergarten Child Protection Mini Olympics

On September 5th & September 8th the Gatton Kindergarten will be holding a mini-Olympics for the children and families.

During the mini-Olympics, Child Protection Banners and Balloons containing the Child Protection logo will be displayed around the playground.

Children will be receiving certificates on behalf of Child Protection Australia for participation.

The mini-Olympics will consist of mini long jump (sandpit), mini hurdles, mini high jump, mini relay races, mini discs and shot put (with beanbags).

The event will be open to all families and community members to come and spectate.

A separate table will be set up with any Child Protection information flyers and activates for families to access.



From: 5 Sep 2023 @ 10:00 AM

To: 8 Sep 2023 @ 12:00 PM


Name: Gatton Kindergarten Committee

Phone: 0754621496


Gatton Kindergarten

19 North Street

Gatton, QLD