Presentation – Understanding your child’s behaviour

  • Monday 4th September 10-11.30am at Caloundra Community Centre.
  • Free presentation by Dr Bob Jacobs – Clinical Psychologist
  • Children “act out” their feelings, which means that as parents/carers we need to look beyond their behaviour and try to understand the underlying emotional meaning of what they are doing.
  • This presentation provides a clear and helpful way of understanding what emotional needs are demonstrated in our children’s behaviour.
  • Opportunity at the end of the presentation to ask Dr Bob questions.
  • Local community services with information on support options.

  • Free finger food after the presentation.


Date: 4 Sep 2023

Time: 10:00 AM - 11:30 AM


Name: Kelly Timperley



Caloundra Community Centre

58A Queen St

Caloundra, Sunshine Coast