Protecting Children Is Everybody’s Business BBQ Breakfast and Information Session

Throughout the month of August 2023 KNC will have resources displayed in our reception area. Some resources will be information posters, fliers and leaflets from existing agencies providing supports, information and services to families and children with a clear focus on “Child protection is Everybody’s Business”. Other resources included will be interactive. w

All resources will be accessible to anyone entering the reception area for the entire month and our staff will encourage interaction and conversation. Support staff including Manager and Family Support will have the resources displayed in their offices and will also encourage discussion and interaction.
Our focal point will be the creation of an artwork that will be gradually created throughout August, finished at the event on September 6th, and permanently mounted on our new deck area. A local artist has volunteered to prepare the canvas and paint a bare fig tree (representative of local flora) on a large canvas. The words “Protecting Children is Everybody’s Business” will be above the tree. Having interacted with the resources people will be invited to choose a color and make a thumb print in the position of leaves on the tree. We will supply various shades of greens, gold, reds and brown paint on sponge pads. The thumb print will represent an anonymous signature conveying a shared understanding that ‘Protecting Children is Everybody’s Business’.
On September 6th we will host a BBQ Breakfast at KNC’s drop in space The Nest. All resources, and the Fig Tree on canvas, will be on display and open to interaction.
Please note that The Nest is a user-friendly space with art and craft activities available, a play area for children and has existing artworks on display from previous Child Protection Week projects (delivered by YouthLink Kuranda). Community feedback from recent events (Women’s Week, Easter egg hunt) has encouraged us to utilise The Nest space rather than public spaces. The Nest is visible from the local park and we will ensure a sign board is up promoting the event and welcoming everybody.


Date: 6 Sep 2023

Time: 9:30 AM - 11:00 AM


Name: Ceri Hughes

Phone: 0740938933


Kuranda Neighbourhood Centre

^ Rob Veivers Drive

Kuranda, QLD