The annual Queensland Child Protection Awards provide an opportunity to publicly acknowledge the efforts, commitment and unreserved energy of many people who make a significant contribution to our community to prevent child harm and neglect.
It is hoped the awards will inspire others to continue to work towards ensuring the wellbeing of our children.
Complete the 2018 Nomination Form
You can see previous winners, awards ceremony photos and more on our Annual Campaigns pages.
Awards are presented to individuals or groups in the following categories:
- Professional (Non-government) Outstanding contribution to promoting child protection issues in their capacity as a professional working in the child protection (or related) field.
- Professional (Government) Outstanding contribution to child protection at a practice, policy or service development level within the public service.
- Volunteer Invaluable contributions to child protection made by volunteers working in government or non-government agencies.
- Regional Program Program that operates within part of, or across, a region to address some aspect of child protection.
- Education Initiative Development of an innovative approach, research or resource to promote child protection.
- Youth Participation Involvement of young people in the planning of a local activity to promote child protection.
- Media & Communications An article, news story, series, publication, campaign or communications strategy that demonstrates a significant contribution to highlighting child protection issues.
- Community Initiative Any community operated program, initiative, event or campaign that focuses on enhancing child protection in our communities.
- Addressing overrepresentation of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander families, children and young people in the child protection system –Outstanding contribution to addressing the overrepresentation of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander families, children and young people through policy, programs or practice.