We hope our awards will inspire others to continue to work towards ensuring the wellbeing of our children.
Outstanding contribution to promoting child protection issues in their capacity as a professional working in the child protection (or related) field.
Outstanding contribution to child protection at a practice, policy or service development level within the public service.
Invaluable contributions to child protection made by volunteers working in government or nongovernment agencies.
Program that operates within part of, or across, a region to address some aspect of child protection. The regions are:
Development of an innovative approach, research or resource to promote child protection.
Any community operated program, initiative, event or campaign that focuses on enhancing child protection in our communities
An article, news story, series, publication, campaign or communications strategy that demonstrates a significant contribution to highlighting child protection issues. |
For a demonstrated commitment to the ongoing journey of creating a child-focused culture that keeps children safe and well (in line with the National Principles for Child Safe Organisations)
Involvement of young people in the planning of a local activity to promote child protection.
Outstanding young person or outstanding contribution made by local community groups / local business involved with the T2S program to get the best outcomes for young people 15 and over who are involved in the youth justice system or are assessed as being at risk of entering it.
Outstanding contribution to honouring connection to family, community, culture and country through the development of policy, programs or practice that promote self-determination for First Nations families, children and young people.
Award winners will have demonstrated exceptional commitment to child protection Nominees achievements must be in accordance with the principles of the Child Protection Act 1999.
Nominees may undertake the nominated project/achievement as part of work-related duties or community services. Nominees who accept nomination will be asked to consent to a criminal history check, child protection history check and additional checks as determined by the Child Protection Week Committee. The judging panel reserves the right to change the category under which the nomination is being considered if the submission is deemed to be more appropriate to another category. The judging panel reserves the right not to present an Award in a category if it feels there are no suitable submissions. Nominees may be individuals, groups or agencies according to the particular Award
Nominees must be available to attend the awards ceremony at Parliament House on Thursday 4 September 2025 and must be available for media opportunities in the weeks leading up to child protection week and during child protection week, from Sunday 7 September to Saturday 13 September 2025.
Attendees consent to their filming and sound recording. By attending this event you agree to being filmed or photographed which may be used for marketing or promotional purposes.
To complete your Award nomination, please respond briefly to a maximum of two of the following selection criteria. Please limit your response to 500 words. (250 words per criteria) Supporting material such as photographs, brochures, etcetera, may be submitted, but is not required.
Nominations close at 5pm on Friday 16 May 2025.