Our partners will collaborate with CQID to engage with CQID clients to yarn about keeping children safe and ensuring our families have resources available to them. Yarns will be facilitated by a CQID Staff Member, who will invite clients and other service providers/partners to talk about how they approach keeping children safe from either their own personal, parental, and professional perspectives. Our goal is for CQID Clients to increase their awareness around the vulnerability of children and the sources of support they can draw from in their communities.
Yarning Circles will be held in the following locations:
Rockhampton 07 4920 0000
Gladstone 07 4807 6426
Emerald 07 4987 4792
Longreach 07 4658 1577
Woorabinda 07 4913 2100
Please contact your local CQID office for Yarning Circle locations and details.