CREATE Foundation – ART Comp
This competition is designed to encourage young artists from across Queensland to submit artwork around the theme of Child Protection. Entries can be submitted in any form you like; dance, painting, photography, drawing, video, sculpture etc.
Please note: Only entries from children and young people with a care experience will be accepted. Participants must be clubCREATE members, between the ages of 0-26 years.
Categories include ($150 prize for each category):
- Safety – What makes you feel safe?
- Participation – What does participation mean to you? Why is it important to include children and young people in decision making?
- Shine a Light on Children – DIY Lantern Project (see above for more details)
- Regional – Celebrating an awesome young artist in regional Queensland
- Under 12’s – Celebrating artists under the age of 12 years
- Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander young people – Celebrating deadly young Queensland artists
RUNNER UP – $250 prize
OVERALL WINNER – $500 prize
With dozens of extra prizes up for grabs!
So get creating! Entries open on the 1st of July and close on the 31st of August with all winners to be announced during Child Protection Week.
Send us a photo/video of you work to [email protected] with the Subject title: ART COMP along with your NAME, AGE, EMAIL/PHONE NUMBER, clubCREATE MEMBERSHIP NUMBER and CATEGORY to go into the draw to win.
Happy CREATE-ing!