Mt Isa ‘Family Fun Quest’
Teams made up of up to 3 people (1 adult and 1-2 children) will complete a course of obstacles, activities and challenges. Stations will be set up with activities that relate to Child Protection and the key themes and message of CP Week. The activities will get teams to think about CP, in particular what harm is and how to protect children from harm as well as what local support services they can go to for help if they’re struggling, or what they can do if they have concerns about children who may be at risk. Once the teams have completed each activity they will be given a puzzle piece. Once teams have completed all of the obstacles and activity stations they will assemble the puzzle from the pieces collected as their final task. The puzzle will be of the key message: ‘protecting children is everybody’s business.’ Between each activity station teams will go through fun obstacles such as mini hurdles, 3 legged race etc. Barbeque lunch to be provided.
For futher information, please contact QIFVLS Mount Isa Office on (07) 4749 5944.