The Family Wellbeing Project will invite families to participate in The My Family Wellbeing Check-In where families will access professionals from the Intensive Family Support (IFS) Program and the Specialist Therapy Service (STS) to assist them to Check-In with their own family’s physical health, their relational and connections to each other and their communities, the social and recreational health of the family, the emotional health, the financial health and general safety and wellbeing with the view for families to develop increased positive well-being as a whole. The focus will be a self-assessment for Support Staff to guide families including parents and carer’s and children and young people within the family with an outcome of validation of positive Family Health through to suggestions and ideas to improve Family Health. The emphasis of the activity is to promote the value of the children and young people in the family and what they can add to the overall functioning of the family. By Putting the Children First, families can ensure they are prioritising the children’s wellbeing at all times.
The activity will acknowledge that families come in all shapes and sizes with inherent strengths and with some vulnerabilities and areas for development. Families can become complacent and not always look outside of their insular or busy world to see what else is possible to add value to their family life. The opportunity to conduct an audit of their functioning can provide scope to make adjustments and improve their wellbeing as a whole.
As Child Protection Week will occur after families have been exposed to many new ways of coping as a family, because of the Covid-19 situation it will be timely to check in with what worked well and what did not work for families and what strategies families had to develop and what would have been helpful for them to become stronger. The aim of the project is that it is a fun, lighthearted way to look at where a family is situated on a continuum of wellness. Families will be provided with Take Home Resources and Family Activities.