Florence Kindergarten and Preschool

Bravehearts’ ‘Ditto’s Keep Safe Adventure Show’ empowers young children of all abilities with lifelong personal safety skills. The performers are highly experienced educator-entertainers who raise awareness of child protection and personal safety in a fun and engaging way using age-appropriate language, song and dance, delivering this vital information in an effective way for young children to learn. Among other skills, our pre-schoolers will learn how to differentiate between safe and unsafe feelings; what to do if you feel unsafe or unsure; how to recognise the body’s warning signs; body ownership; and there is no secret that you cannot tell someone.


From: 10 Sep 2024

To: 12 Sep 2024


Name: Emma Dyson

Phone: 07 3284 5243


Florence Community Kindergarten

15 Beaconsfield St

Margate, Margate