Dinner with community network stakeholders
A dinner for our community network stakeholders will be held at a local restaurant to say thank you for their ongoing support in child protection within our centre and the wider community. At the event we will discuss how we can continue to work together within the community to bring more awareness to child protection so that child protection is everyone’s business.
Participants include representatives from:
Goodstart Innisfail, Goodstart Mourilyan, Child Safety, Community Support Centre, Queensland Police Service, Innisfail Youth and Family Care, Local schools, Cassowary Coast Family Day Care, Cassowary Coast Libraries, VPG
Donation: Children’s books to local schools, library and community services that work with children and families
Goodstart Innisfail will gift a pack of children’s books to the local schools and community services that work with children and families. These books will be gifted with a message about the importance of child protection so that the service and their participants will be reminded of child protection each time they open the book.
Collaboration of video clips of children, educators and community stakeholders
A video with children, families, educators and community stakeholders saying what child protection means to them will be created. This video will be shared with the Goodstart and the wider community.
Child protection T-shirt
Children at Goodstart Innisfail will be gifted a child protection shirt – these will be made locally. These shirts will open up conversations between children, educators and their families and the wider community.
Food Vouchers
During child protection week the centre will hold several virtual inclusion activities regarding child protection. Families that participate will go into a draw to win a $100 gift voucher