Ipswich Flexible Learning Centre Child Protection Morning Tea & Art Presentation

In the weeks leading up to Child Protection Week, young people, parents/guardians and people from the broader community are collaborating to research, design and create a child protection art project.

The art project involves:

  • Creation of two masks: one representing the potential hazards, impacts and life challenges that can affect children and families and the second representing metaphorically the safe, still waters/passage that leads to liberation for children who are well supported.
  • This project will be presented at the public morning tea celebration during child protection week to help emphasise the importance of raising children and young people in an environment where parents feel supported and can navigate life challenges.


Date: 4 Sep 2019

Time: 11:00 AM - 12:00 PM


Name: Jessie Fraser

Phone: 0407939355


Ipswich Flexible Learning Centre

1 Queen Victoria Parade Ipswich

Ipswich, Ipswich
