Little Kids Day Out

The Little Kids Day Out is a free community event aiming to connect parents and caregivers with young children to local services, schools, early learning centres, clubs, and creative arts studios. LKDO aims to help parents improve outcomes for their children by connecting them to schools, early learning centres, sports clubs, creative dance studios, and businesses. We hope this will enrich the experiences provided to children in our region and enhance their development and school readiness. Children from across the region create artwork, which is displayed at the event and perform on stage, inspiring other children to participate in the arts. Schools and early learning centres help promote the event across the region. The event is held the weekend before Child Protection Week. A picture book writing competition is held in conjunction with the event, with the theme – bugs and creepy crawlies – as the stimulus for the picture books, which are required to have a safety theme in the storyline. 300 volunteers come together to support the event by providing free activities. The event won the Gympie Council Community Group/Event Organisation of the Year 2023.


Date: 2 Sep 2023

Time: 10:00 AM - 2:00 PM


Name: Kim Walters

Phone: 0418157280


Gympie Pavilion and grounds

77 Exhibition Road

Southside, Gympie