Mura Kosker Calendar Competition 2018
Mura Kosker Sorority Inc.(Mura Kosker) in partnership with the Queensland Family and Child Commission (QFCC) and Queensland Child Protection Week
extends an invitation to all children in the Torres Strait region to participate in the QFCC and Mura Kosker 2018 Calendar Competition.
We’re asking young people to draw, write, colour, or create a picture of what safety looks like to them, and incorporate the theme “Protecting Children is Everyone’s Business”.
Entries will be displayed at the Family Fun Day event on Saturday, 9th September at ANZAC Park, Thursday Island between the hours of 10am-12pm for the community to view and cast their vote.
Winners will be featured in a calendar for each cluster along-side messages to promote child protection and safety.
Every family within the Torres Strait region will receive a calendar to take home ensuring the message “Protecting Children is Everyone’s Business” is delivered all year round.
Proudly funded by the Queensland Family and Child Commission – More Than Safe Regional Activity Grants in partnership with Queensland Child Protection Week