Backbone Youth Arts – Play Your Part! is a new performance-based project from Backbone Youth Arts, where you get to perform!
Play Your Part! builds an immersive performance environment that uses fun and engaging workshop activities to explore the importance of community in child protection and to incorporate the key message of Child Protection Week 2017: “Protecting Children is Everybody’s Business – Play Your Part”.
In the morning, young participants will join the Backbone Drama Club members in workshop activities, built around the ideas of community, and will be rehearsed into the performance of Play Your Part!
In the afternoon, parents, guardians and community members will be invited to be involved in the performance, joining in the scenarios and activities, playing the roles of young people!
The day will conclude with a roundtable discussion between all who participate as to the role of community in issues of Child Protection.
This promises to be a fun-packed and thought-provoking experience for all ages!
Cost: $10 for children and young people to participate in the morning workshops. Parent and guardian participation in the afternoon activities is free!