The event format provides a fun and inclusive activity for children and their families in the Redcliffe community. The event will be held in the afternoon on Friday 7th September after school between 3:00-5:00pm, to promote participation of children and families across the region.
We will invite children and families to attend and participate in a range of free activities, including:
– 100m Colour Run (participants are to bring their own white shirt to wear)
– child and family friendly information stalls
– child protective behaviour activities
– a sausage sizzle, fruit, water and Booyah Coffee Van will have some coffee for purchase ( all other items are free of charge)
Additional activities are to be confirmed, but may include temporary Henna tattooing, children’s obstacle course, face painting and workshops for children’s dance or drumbeat.
Organisations participating in the event range across the Moreton Region and will include: Centre Against Domestic Abuse Inc., Anglicare Family Intervention Services, Red Cross Sandcastles Program, Churches of Christ IFS, Mercy Community Services Family and Child Connect, Uniting Care Community, Redcliffe Uniting Church, Redcliffe Lions Club, Moreton Bay Libraries.