Please join us for the Child Protection Week 2018 Remembrance Day event.
Remembrance Day acknowledges adult survivors of childhood abuse in institutional settings including out-of-home care. It’s a time to remember the failings and neglect of past governments, churches and non-government organisations to ensure this never happens again.
Protecting children is everyone’s business.
Friday 7 September 2018 @ 11am followed by light refreshments Roof Terrace, Level 4
Gallery of Modern Art (GoMA) South Bank Q 4101
Guest Speakers: Hon Annastacia Palaszczuk, Premier and Minster for Trade and Hon Di Farmer, Minister for Child Safety, Youth and Women and Minister for the Prevention of Domestic and Family Violence
Please RSVP by 28 August 2018 to Lotus Place on 3347 8500 or [email protected]