Whilst the SB Child Protection Week Committee isn’t holding an Event this year due to COVID-19, we have thought outside of the box and will be completing the following, as we feel it is very important to share the message of Child Safety across our local community.
– The purchase of a banner to be hung across Kingaroy’s main street: 1st side: Child Protection Week. 2nd side: Child Protection is Everyone’s Business.
– Books: Your Beautiful Brain for Guidance Officers for all schools across the South Burnett. Your Brilliant Brain by Belinda Thomson: Belinda describes her book as “A book about complex childhood trauma”. Blurb on the back of the book: Children who have been exposed to abuse and neglect often suffer the detrimental effects of complex trauma including toxic stress. This book is intended to help a child explore and understand complex childhood trauma and toxic stress, how it might affect them and talk about and practice strategies that can help.
– We have adapted our colouring in competition to encompass a pack that we will send to all primary schools in the South Burnett. The pack will contain: the above book, colouring in sheet, 5 safe people (hands template) and the CP Week lantern template, with a cover letter explaining that it is CP Week and explain the templates in the pack and how the teachers can use them to work with their students. We will also send the CP Week Key messages flyer in these packs.
– Radio Interviews to dispel some Child Protection misconceptions: SB CSSC Manager and PIFC Manager will discuss these ides on local Radio.
– Social Media/display artwork: We have asked the local Libraries if colouring in and lanterns can be displayed there. Our Organisation has a Facebook page, where we will display some of the children’s art pieces.