Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Community Grants 2025

Application for Funding

  • Funds are only provided to non-Government organisations and/or not-for-profit organisations. The lead organisation applying for the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander community grant should be an Indigenous organisation

  • Organisation Details

    (or sponsoring organisation details)
  • required for receipt notification
  • Event Organising Committee Details:

    You must actively include and involve at least 5 organisations. (both non-govt & government) who work with children, young people, parents, carers and families as part of the event planning committee. The lead organisation applying for the grant should be an Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander organisation
  • Member NameOrganisationEmail AddressPhone 
  • Identify Event Region:

  •  Region Family support services (Family and child connect catchments)
    Far North Queensland


    Cape York/Torres Strait

    Northern Queensland


    Mt Isa/ Gulf

    Townsville (Thuringowa and Aitkenvale)

    Sunshine Coast & Central Queensland

    Rockhampton,Gladstone & Emerald (including Woorabinda)

    Maryborough/Bundaberg (Hervey Bay)

    Sunshine Coast/ Gympie (Maroochydore and Caloundra)

    Brisbane & Moreton Bay

    Moreton Bay (Caboolture, Strathpine & Redcliffe)

    Brisbane North

    Brisbane South

    Brisbane South West

    South West Queensland


    Roma and Charleville


    Kingaroy/South Burnett (Murgon & Cherbourg)

    South East Queensland

    Gold Coast (Labrador, Mermaid Beach & Nerang)


    Browns Plains/Beaudesert


  • Insurance Policy Details: (attach copy of current certificate)

    Does your organisation hold appropriate insurance? Please ensure that your public liability insurance covers the proposed event. Please specify the type of insurance cover held:
  • Max. file size: 150 MB.
  • Overview of Activity

    Your Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Community grant application will be judged against the following key criteria. Your events must promote the QCPW theme - Protecting Children is Everybody's Business. Refer to the guidelines.
  • include address of proposed event/s
  • Include estimated number of attendees per event. It is anticipated the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander community grant will facilitate events across multiple locations. Please write a statement to explain how your project will reflect the aims and theme of Child Protection Week 2025 in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities. Your events must be held during Child Protection Week 7-13 September 2025.
  • outline how both the activity and Child Protection Week will be promoted, and to whom (eg. brochures, posters, media etc).
  • Please Provide Banking Details for Payment Processing:

  • Please Provide Itemised Breakdown of Anticipated Costs:

  • Proposed Budget - Grants of up to $5000 (exclusive of GST) are available:

    To be eligible for funding your submission must respond to the selection criteria outlined below.

        1. Facilitate an event across multiple locations that promotes the theme Protecting Children is Everybody’s Business and reflects the interests and diversity of the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities;
        2. The event/activity must be completed within Child Protection Week 7-13 September 2025. In exceptional circumstances, applications for event/activities in the week prior to Child Protection Week will be considered.
        3. raise awareness of child abuse and neglect as an issue within Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities
        4. promote local services available to support children and families who have experienced child abuse and neglect, or are at risk
        5. equip individuals and communities with knowledge and skills to understand child abuse and neglect and empower them to take action
        6. Funding submissions must reflect collaboration with other agencies within the region (minimum 5 organisations required). The lead organisation applying for the grant should be an Indigenous organisation.

    Application due date 16 May 2025. Event acquittals due 3 October 2025

  • I/we declare that the information provided here is, to the best of our knowledge, accurate and complete. I/We agree to abide by the conditions of funding laid out in the application form and understand that I/we will be responsible for completing an accountability of expenditure report within one month of the completion of the activity. Due date 3 October 2025.
  • Please note that you cannot edit your application after submission. If you would like to come back and continue your application before submission, please click 'Save and Continue Later'.