Child abuse and neglect is one of Australia’s most significant social problems.
Last year more than 35,000 Australian children were proven to have been abused or neglected. Given we know that child abuse is under reported and difficult to prove, these statistics are alarming.
Child protection is everyone’s business. Responsibility lies with adults in our community to keep children safe from harm. Listening to children and young people is the most important way to assist their safety and well-being. If a child tells you they are being hurt, please seek help for them.
All members of our community need to make child protection their business and play a part in ensuring children are nurtured and safe.
This is a key message of Queensland Child Protection Week 2014 being held from Sunday 7th to Saturday 13th September 2014.
Over a hundred events will be held around Queensland to promote this message. To find out about these events please visit the calendar of events.