MEDIA RELEASE. 23 August 2011
The latest tools and resources for preventing child abuse and neglect will be highlighted at events in regional Queensland during Child Protection Week 4-10 September.
Queensland Child Protection Week Committee Chair, Holly Brennan, said while there was a range of different approaches to child protection, advocates agree on this year’s theme that protecting children is everyone’s business.
“Statistics show that the number of Child Protection Orders in regional centres of Queensland is unacceptably high,” Ms Brennan said. “It’s critical that parents, teachers, community services and every single member of the community is aware of the signs of abuse and neglect.
“It’s also vital for everyone to be aware of all the positive and supportive educational conversations and strategies adults can have and use to help keep children safe. We can all help reduce abuse and neglect in our communities.”
In 2011, the Child Protection Week Committee is supporting the following regional events:
- On the Sunshine Coast a family ‘Party in the Park’ will be held at Cotton Tree Park, The Esplanade, Cotton Tree (Fri 9 Sep from 12 noon till 6 pm) with an animal farm, indigenous dance troupe, face painting, jumping castle, barbeque and stalls promoting the theme ‘Child Protection is Everyone’s Business’. Contact Beverley Rimmer at [email protected] or call 0754 38 3000.
- In Bundaberg, The Child Protection Week Activity Group will hold a community breakfast (Wed 7 Sep) featuring guest speaker Rob Ryan – just returned from a Churchill Fellowship to research child protection in the USA, the UK and Canada, cultural awareness training (Wed 7 Sep), a colouring competition and a family fun day ‘Rainbow Day’ at the Bundaberg PCYC (Fri 9 Sep). For details contact contact Lynn or Rachel at EDON Place Women’s Domestic Violence Service at [email protected] or call 0741 536 820.
- The South Burnett community will hold several events during the week including: special breakfasts at Coolabunia and Wondai State Schools (6 and 7 Sep, the annual Child Protection Week Dinner (7 Sep), training by Professor Judy Atkinson on the impact of trauma (8 Sep) and distribution of child protection resources toprimary school students in the South Burnett. For details contact Susan Jerome at [email protected] or call 0741 690 587.
- At Innisfail, the 2011 Cassowary Coast Child Protection Activity Group presents ‘Connect to Protect’ a family fun day (Saturday 10 September from 10 am) offering entertainment, guest speakers, a sausage sizzle, games and rides. Entertainment will reflect the diverse culture of Innisfail and offer storytelling, music and dance from the indigenous, Indian and other ethnic groups. Contact Sherrie Meyer at [email protected] or call 0740 438 400.
- In Townsville the Upper Ross PCYC will host a family fun day day (Sunday 4 Sept from 10am till 1pm with free rides, info stalls, a graffiti mural. Bruce and Denise Morecombe from the Daniel Morcombe Foundation will address a parent’s forum. Contact Bernadette Strow at [email protected] or call 47504428
The Child Protection Week Queensland Committee acknowledges the Minister for Child Safety Phil Reeves and the Department of Communities for supporting Child Protection Week 2011.
For the latest regional data on child protection and an explanation of how the Queensland Child Protection system works, go to http://www.communities.qld.gov.au/childsafety/about-us/our-performance/regional-data
Vivienne Wynter, Media Officer
- Phone: 0419 029 728
- Email: [email protected]
Caitlin King, Child Protection Week Project Officer
- Phone: (07) 3844 6414 or 0418 408 062
- Email: [email protected]