MEDIA RELEASE. 17 August 2011
Community responsibility for protecting children and young people from abuse and neglect is the theme of Child Protection Week 4-10 September 2011 which will be marked with special events across the length and breadth of Queensland.
In Brisbane, four major events will highlight Child Protection Week 2011. These include:
- The launch of Child Protection Week 2011 which will be held in conjunction with the Child Protection Awards Presentation Ceremony, at Parliament House on the afternoon of Thursday 1 September from 1.00 pm to 3.00 pm.
- A special Remembrance Day event at the GOMA rooftop terrace on Wednesday 7 September from 10.00 am to 12 midday.
- The Child Protection Week Function at The Ship Inn on Friday 9 September. The theme for the night is ‘Acknowledging Child Protection Workers’.
- Queensland Theatre Company and students from seven primary and secondary schools in Brisbane and Toowoomba will present Process Drama and Forum Theatre performances on the theme of Child Protection on Monday September 5.
Regional and suburban events highlighting Child Protection Week will be also be held throughout the state.
Queensland Child Protection Week Committee Chair Holly Brennan said the incidence of child abuse and neglect was rising and that detecting and responding to the signs of abuse and neglect was a community responsibility.
“Often the signs of child abuse and neglect are visible long before they are reported because sometimes people see the signs but don’t know how to respond,” Ms Brennan said. “This year Child Protection Week will focus on what everyone can do to help keep all children safe.”
The Child Protection Week Queensland Committee acknowledges the Minister for Child Safety Phil Reeves and the Department of Communities for supporting Child Protection Week 2011.
For the latest child protection statistics and information on how the Child Protection system works, go to http://www.communities.qld.gov.au/childsafety/about-us/our-performance/summary-statistics
Vivienne Wynter, Media Officer
- Phone: 0419 029 728
- Email: [email protected]
Caitlin King, Child Protection Week Project Officer
- Phone: (07) 3844 6414 or 0418 408 062
- Email: [email protected]