Posts, news, photos and arcticles from our 2025 campaign

2025 Photo Gallery

2025 Award Winners - TBC

Award winner bio's - to be announced

Professional Government

Outstanding contribution to child protection at a practice, policy or service development level within the public service


Professional Non-Government
 Outstanding contribution to promoting child protection issues in their capacity as a Professional working in the child protection (or related) field.


Media & Communications Award
Development of an innovative approach, research or resource to promote child protection.


Our Children Our Future
Outstanding contribution to honouring connection to family, community, culture and country through the development of policy, programs or practice that promote self-determination for First Nations families, children and young people.


Thriving Communities Initiative Award
Any community operated program, initiative, event or campaign that focuses on enhancing child protection in our communities


Regional Program
Program that operates within part of, or across, a region to address some aspect of child protection.


Invaluable contributions to child protection made by volunteers working in government or non-government agencies.


Child Safe Organisation Award
Demonstrated commitment to the ongoing journey of creating a child-focused culture that keeps children safe and well (in line with the National Principles for Child Safe Organisations)


Youth Participation Award
Involvement of young people in the planning of a local activity to promote child protection


Education Initiative Award
Development of an innovative approach, research or resource to promote child protection.


Transition to Success
Outstanding contribution made by local community groups or local business involved with the T2S program to get the best outcomes for young people 15 and over who are involved in the youth justice system or are assessed as being at risk of entering it.


Media Releases

Published Media

2025 Events