Schools and Communities:
Who to contact
Child abuse and neglect only continues when those able to do something, do nothing.
About Child protection
The Queensland Police Service (QPS) is committed to making the community safer for children. The QPS’s state-wide Child Protection and Investigation Units (CPIU) are staffed by highly trained, skilled and professional detective investigators committed to the protection of children across Queensland.
Child protection | QPS (police.qld.gov.au)
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Family Wellbeing Services are available to walk alongside you and your family to keep your children safe, strong and connected to culture. To find out free and confidential support near you, contact: 1300 117 095 or
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Family Wellbeing Services (familywellbeingqld.org.au)
Responding to disclosures of child sexual abuse:
Report Child Sexual Abuse | Bravehearts
Domestic and Family Violence information:
Domestic and family violence | Community support | Queensland Government (www.qld.gov.au)
Children and Young people’s rights:
Charter of rights books describe the core rights that apply to every child and young person who is subject to the custody or guardianship of the Department of Communities, Child Safety and Disability Services. The Charter of rights books are distributed to all young people entering care in Queensland and include:
Kids Rights is aimed at 4 to 10 year olds and is in the form of a children's story book.
My journey in care is aimed at 10 to 18 year olds and uses a notebook style layout with cartoons and photos, including Indigenous artwork from a young person in care.
Office of the Public Guardian : My rights
Resources for Schools:
Daniel Morcombe Foundation:
Personal Safety Education | Bravehearts
Support Services and resources for Schools and Communities working with children who have a disability:
Positive Partnerships - Department of Education, Australian Government
For further resources and information go to the information and resources for Adults
Support Services for children, young people and parents:
The Family Relationship Advice Line: 1800 050 321
Kids Help Line: 1800 55 1800
Lifeline: 13 11 14
Parentline: 1300 30 1300 from 8am-10pm, 7 days a week.
Find a centre: https://headspace.org.au/headspace-centres/
headspace Schools is a national workforce that supports, engages and partners with education and health sectors across Australia, to build the mental health literacy and capacity of workforce's. It is fully funded and free for schools.