7 - 13 Sept 2025

Child Protection Week in Queensland is coordinated by the Child Protection Week Committee under the auspicing body of ACT for Kids. In other states NAPCAN runs National Child Protection Week.

QCPW Supported


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Have an upcoming event?

We encourage groups and organisations to add events in support of Queensland Child Protection week.




We have great resources that are free for you to

use covering such things as Key QCPW

Messages, Contacts, Posters, Activity Sheets (Printable),

Community Service Messages, Children and

Young People, Adults, Schools & Communities

Get Involved

7 - 13 Sept 2025

Rewarding good in people

Queensland Child

Protection Awards

The annual Queensland Child Protection Awards provide an opportunity to publicly acknowledge the efforts, commitment and unreserved energy of many people who make a significant contribution to our community to prevent child harm and neglect.

Community Grants

Regional Grants

Regional Grants of $5,000 (including GST) are available for each of the five regional areas of Queensland.

Activity Grants

Grants of up to $1000 (inclusive of GST) are available to non-government organisations, community organisations and networks.

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Community Grant

The Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Community Grant of $5,000 (including GST). This grant will be awarded to a not-for-profit community group to enhance and promote child protection messages within Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities.

Our Amazing



Our Dedicated
